Beautiful New York

A Celebration of the City

Time to Say Goodbye

To our dear, highly esteemed readers:

Yesterday marked the 5th anniversary of the Beautiful NY blog. We have posted here every single day without fail for five years. That makes 1,826 blog posts about our favorite city in the world. And the decision has been made to use that energy to pursue new horizons and explore other interests

We will continue to maintain this website for archival purposes but no new posts will be made on Beautiful NY. Thank you all so much for your loyal readership and your devotion to New York City. This has been a wonderful adventure of learning, laughing, sharing, pondering, and reveling in the greatest city in the world. Here’s wishing you all the very best!


  1. Judy Baker

    I will miss waking up to your “beautiful New York” posts each mornings ng. But I’m also happy to hear you are moving on to new projects and ideas.”

  2. walktawknewyork


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