Beautiful New York

A Celebration of the City

Cinco de Mayo!

Cinco de MayoContrary to popular misconception, Cinco de Mayo is not Mexican Independence Day (that’s in September) but, rather, the anniversary of the great Mexican victory in the Battle of Puebla. Nevertheless, it remains an extremely popular holiday in any American community that features a sizable Mexican population and New York is no exception. This city of over 300,000 Mexican residents hosts a parade on the northern end of Central Park West, either on the day of or nearest weekend to the holiday, as well as a street fair near Grand Central Terminal.

1 Comment

  1. Marcos E de Jesús

    Thanks Matt. One other reason for the resonance of Cinco de Mayo en Nueva York. For some reason* (no on seems to be sure why) a disproportionate number of Nuyorkinos Mexicanos are from mid-southern Mexican states such as Puebla and Guerrero. Puebla has become so highly represented here in recent years that some folks have taken to calling this town Puebla York!

    By the way thanks for recommending me to Despierta América. I was not available for the time they had in mind. But, I appreciate the vote of confidence, and I was glad to recommend a colleague who I think would be great for the job.

    ¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo!


    *Probably, “Puebla York” has something to do with poverty and a lack of economic alternatives in the region. The Mystery of “Puebla York” is why would so many immigrants from the heart of Mexico have come as far as NYC, rather than settling somewhere closer by.


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